Wednesday's group working on the landscape project...
...with lovely results, some work still in progress
Tuesday's last session with this landscape project...
...with wonderful and diverse results - some work still in progress to be finished at home or in a later session in class.
LESSON PLANS SUMMER 2022 (2nd half). Lesson 3 continuing with the painting from the working drawing.
In this lesson my students will continue with the painting or piece of work they began last week. It is all about discovering what a...
Friday's group creating lovely work from...
...their landscape drawings - concentrating on the three distances near, middle and far. Understanding what a working drawing needs to...
Wonderful things from Thursday's group...
...paintings/pastels/mixed media from their working sketches. Some work still in progress.
Lovely work in progress, landscapes from the working drawings.
A wonderful mix of work from Wednesday's group.
Translating the working drawings into paintings... in progress, discovering whether or not the drawings have what's needed for the painting. Wonderful beginnings from Tuesday's group.
LESSON PLANS SUMMER 2022 (2nd half) lesson 2. Painting/Pastel from the working drawing.
In this lesson I'm asking my students to put away the images they worked from last week and refer only to the drawings they made in the...
A lovely collection of work from Friday's group...
..based on landscape images. Making working drawings ready for painting next week.
Thursday's group working on landscape drawings...
...wonderful studies from landscape images from which they'll make paintings next week. Lovely work.