LESSON PLANS SPRING TERM 2024 (1st half) Lesson 5: drawing the egg box in colour.
In this lesson I'm asking my students to work their way through the natural colour range from light to dark and draw an egg box while doing so! If thy can't get hold of an egg box they can draw the scrumpled paper from the last session using this same technique.
Spring Term 1st half 2024 – Lesson 5. Drawing with colour pencils. Drawing a piece of scrunched paper or an egg box.
· Set your subject in front of you. Using a yellow colour pencil, make a loose and light drawing of your subject.
· Look for areas of tone and areas that you might leave white (very few if any). Put more pressure on your pencil to create darker areas. Note that it’s very hard to get yellow to make dark tones.
· Using a red colour pencil, work into your drawing, finding more areas of tone and deciding if any areas will be left yellow. Again, more pressure on the pencil for darker tones noting that red may not be able to give you dark enough tones.
· You can use two different versions of the same colour, i.e. cadmium red and crimson red.
· With a blue colour pencil and some good pressure, look for darker areas and tones, still thinking about those areas and shapes that won’t get any of the blue layer (there may be few).
· To find your darkest tones you’ll need some good elbow grease and, if you have one, a very dark blue. I’ll have a collection of colour pencils with me in case you don’t have all you need.
Next lesson: Action drawing. Look for an all-action footballing/sporting image (great images in the newspapers’ sports pages). I’ll bring some in case you don’t find one. Bring pencils, colour pencils, sketch books and eraser.