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LESSON PLANS SPRING TERM 2024 (2nd half) Lesson 5: painting from the charcoal landscapes.

The results from the charcoal landscape project last week were really fabulous. This week I'll be asking my students to use the drawings as the motif for a painting. Van Gogh was very clear in his drawings to collect the information he needed for his paintings. They were 'working' drawings which is how I classify the charcoal drawings which emerged last week. Here are good examples of a Van Gogh drawing and relevant painting.

Spring Term 2nd half 2024 – Lesson 5. Painting from the charcoal landscape drawings made in the last lesson.

·         Working from your charcoal drawings (although you may refer to the original source material if needed) think about the medium you want to use.

·         Recently we’ve used watercolour and line in a lovely loose way, that’s certainly a good option especially with the addition of white paint for corrective/negotiating purposes.

·         If using oil or acrylic, mark out the main shapes with a brush on your canvas/paper. Begin your painting with tnal information/shapes, gradually moving towards colour as you understand more clearly what and where your tones and shapes are. Of course, everything is up for negotiation and can be changed at any time in the process.

·         If using pastels, work on coloured paper – this gives you the option of making both light and dark marks from the start. Using your pastels on their side, block the main shapes in their simplest form and gradually build detail and tone on top. Use a stiff brush to clear excess pastel dust if you want to re-negotiate.

·         If mixing your media, think about how each medium will work with the next. Push the boundaries and try things that you’ve been told won’t work together…see what happens!

Next lesson (after one week off for Easter hols): Bring pencils. We’ll work with some classic drawing. Bring an item or two or an image (a face? a person?) for some good solid pencil drawing.


About this site...
I am an art teacher living and working in Dorset.  I have taught for the Adult Education Service and the University of Bath, plus some supply teaching in my local schools but now I run my courses privately. This site is intended as an addition to my teaching, primarily now to showcase the Sunday workshops I run.
All lessons are also available for any one anywhere who would like some ideas on what to teach, what to learn or is just interested in seeing what we do.
I'm afraid I won't be able to answer emails asking for comments on anyone's work (other than for currently enrolled students).
I run Sunday workshops, one every month and a short summer school.. Other than that I spend every available moment in my studio or drawing and painting elsewhere.
I studied for four years at The Slade School of Fine Art where I was awarded The Slade Prize on graduation. I went on to travel and study further finally doing a P.G.C.E at Exeter University with Ted Wragg as my mentor. It was a wonderful year of education which set me in good stead for my years of teaching since then.



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