LESSON PLANS SUMMER 2022 (2nd half). Lesson 3 continuing with the painting from the working drawing.
In this lesson my students will continue with the painting or piece of work they began last week. It is all about discovering what a working drawing needs, information-wise, to inform a finished painting. If last week's piece was finished last week then I'm asking them to make a new working drawing which uses some form of colour as well as graphite pencil.
Here is a selection of my own work, all paintings made in my studio from my own working drawings - drawings mostly made on Exmoor but include Hong Kong, Japan and our local chapel.
Summer term, 2nd half 2022. Lesson 3 – Three distances of landscape, painting from a working drawing. Continuing last week’s work OR making a new working drawing using colour pencils/pens/pencils etc.
· Some artists paint outdoors but for many artists it isn’t practical which is why we’ve been making working drawings. It becomes clear when you begin to work from them, whether or not you have enough information from which you can make a painting.
· This project began with working drawings in pencil followed by the paintings made from the drawings (hiding the original images away from view).
· For those who haven’t finished their paintings, continue with them this week, studying your working drawing for all the information you need.
· If you finished a piece of work last week, find a new image – it can be a photo, magazine image, a picture of a painting by a well-known artist etc., you’re going to make a new working drawing.
· This time you’ll have a clearer idea of what a working drawing needs and also this time I want you to introduce colour into your working drawing.
· Colour – including regular graphite pencils, you might add a neutral watercolour wash, you might work with colour pencils and/or watercolour pencils or you might add a smudge or two of coloured pastel.
· You won’t be making a painting from this drawing (unless you choose to at home), it’s more about the opportunity to make a working drawing while the notion is still hot in your mind!
Next lesson: Watercolour techniques and exercises. Bring watercolours, watercolour paper (any nice scraps of watercolour paper will do) and brushes. You’ll be put through your watercolour paces!