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LESSON PLANS SUMMER TERM 2022 (2nd half). Lesson 4, Exercises with watercolour

In this lesson we're going to concentrate on some key concepts in watercolour - revealed shapes and layers to create an image.

Summer term, 2nd half 2022. Lesson 4. Through the watercolour paces…

Techniques and tips useful for watercolour.

· In watercolour, reveal the following shapes (by painting around them): a heart shape, a mug with handle, a key, a teapot, a daisy and a bicycle.

· Once the paint is dry, ‘reveal’ a circle behind them (see example).

· Draw a long horizontal box approximately one inch deep and six inches long. Put a red colour at one end and blue colour at the other end. Fill your brush with clean water. Pull some of the blue towards the middle and sone of the red towards the middle until they meet in a lovely soft flow of colours.

· Reveal a semicircle shape and before the paint dries pull stripes of the paint across the revealed shape. When the paint is dry, extend the stripes onto the painted area by ‘revealing’ them.

· For those who haven’t – The Planet and The Cube (see demonstration).

· On a clean sheet of paper, reveal some shapes, let the first layer dry, reveal some more shapes, let that layer dry, look back to the semi-circle idea and see the extended ‘lines’ can be used on this page you’re working on. Look at my example sheet of shapes and layers.

Next Lesson: Last lesson of term, you have options! 1. Use this week’s exercises to create another sheet of experimental watercolour work. 2. Finish any unfinished pieces, perhaps from the landscape project. 3. Try something you’ve wanted to try and would like some advice with. Bring whatever you need for whatever you choose.


About this site...
I am an art teacher living and working in Dorset.  I have taught for the Adult Education Service and the University of Bath, plus some supply teaching in my local schools but now I run my courses privately. This site is intended as an addition to my teaching, primarily now to showcase the Sunday workshops I run.
All lessons are also available for any one anywhere who would like some ideas on what to teach, what to learn or is just interested in seeing what we do.
I'm afraid I won't be able to answer emails asking for comments on anyone's work (other than for currently enrolled students).
I run Sunday workshops, one every month and a short summer school.. Other than that I spend every available moment in my studio or drawing and painting elsewhere.
I studied for four years at The Slade School of Fine Art where I was awarded The Slade Prize on graduation. I went on to travel and study further finally doing a P.G.C.E at Exeter University with Ted Wragg as my mentor. It was a wonderful year of education which set me in good stead for my years of teaching since then.



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