LESSON PLANS SUMMER TERM 2024 (2nd half) lesson 3: Creating a new piece from the completed working drawing.
In this lesson I'm asking my students to create an entirely new piece of work from their completed 'View through a window with Still-life' drawings. They can choose the medium (or mix of media) that they'd like to use, I'd like to see some experiments with ways of working! Above you can see the watercolour I began last week...I'm putting it through its paces, layering, scratching textures with gesso and using glaze layers on an as yet unfinished experiment!
Summer Term 2024 (2nd half) Lesson 3: Working from the finished drawing in the medium of choice.
· Take time to finish your ‘View through a window with Still-life’ drawing if you haven’t done already.
· Think about the medium you’re going to use, if you’re using watercolour find the lightest places, work our where you’ll put your first wash and which bits of your page you’ll leave white (unpainted). While the wash is still wet, fill it with more colour (making sure not to let paint drift into the shapes you’ve left light). Find some hard edged shapes once the wet layer has dried.
· If using pastels, block the main shapes, be ready to smudge your colours and find clearer shapes with a next layer. Try introducing pastel-pencil and line over some of the smudged shapes.
· If using acrylics, draw the main shapes with brush & paint and a neutral colour (blue and brown mix), gradually introduce tonal variety by adding white to your tonal colour. Add colours as you continue but make sure your colours have tonal differences (light and dark).
· You can try mixing your media, perhaps try collage and acrylic, wash and line (pen), watercolour and pastels or any combination of any of these!
Next lesson: An old gem…find a lovely magazine image that can be cut into strips. Bring watercolours, watercolour paper, glue stick, scissors and lovely magazine with garden or flower images.