LESSON PLANS WINTER TERM 2022 (1st half) lesson 5. Options! Either landscape or autumn seed heads.
This is the last session before our half term break.
In this lesson I'm asking my students to work from a landscape image using the techniques we worked with last week (wash and then pen) OR to create the same set up as last week but this time work purely in watercolour (no pen!).
Winter term, 1st half 2022. Lesson 5. (Last lesson before the half term break). Options! A landscape image using wash and pen OR a seed-head/autumn set-up (similar to last week’s) and use pure watercolour (no pen).
· Choose a landscape image/drawing/photo (one of your own drawings?)
· Remembering last lesson’s freedom with the early watercolour, make your first layer of paint loose and expressive – representing in essence, but not in detail, the landscape image you’re working from.
· Work back in with dots, dashes etc. before the first layer has dried – what happens as your paint dries and the subsequent layers react differently to a drier page?
· Once you’ve had a good experiment with the paint, introduce the pen to find some detail and definition. You’re looking for the balance between paint and pen.
· OR set up a seed-head/autumn foliage arrangement in a jar or vase and, unlike last week, work entirely in watercolour!
· Rather than feeling inhibited without the pen to find detail – try and work as loosely as you began last week’s painting.
· Allow yourself to feel expressive with your paint! Leave light places light…but don’t worry if you miss some light places, reveal them at a later stage.
Next lesson - 1st lesson after the half term break: Bring a magazine, a glue stick and good cartridge paper or watercolour paper. Bring watercolours. We’re going to re-visit an old favourite which has us recognising and matching colour and tone in a very practical way.