LESSON PLANS WINTER TERM 2022 (2nd half) lesson 2. Completing last week's task or...
...There are options. Most of my students will be completing last week's exercise but for those who have finished or who finish before the end of the session I have a couple of tasks to follow including choosing an image of a single flower and cutting it in half...read on (a rose is perfect for this particular task)....
Winter term, 2nd half 2022. Lesson 2. Loose and expressive watercolour. Finishing last week’s project and/or taking a broad strip out of the middle of a magazine image and completing the removed section with paint or cutting a single flower image in half and completing the image in paint.
· Some of you will be working on the piece of work begun last week.
· If you finish in time, take a new magazine picture and cut or tear a broad strip out of the middle.
· Stick the two remaining pieces down retaining the broad gap between them. Keep the piece you’ve torn out as you’re going to use this to complete your image with paint.
· Or, find a large picture of a single flower, cut it in half and stick one half on your page and complete the missing half with your watercolours. Keep the cut away half as this is your information – this tells you what you’re painting!
Next lesson: Pointillism! Pastels and pastel paper and either a real-life fruity still life or an image of a fruity still life from which to work. Can be fruits, vegetables and gourds. You can include a nice bowl and a plain cloth (optional).