LESSON PLANS WINTER TERM 2022 (2nd half) Lesson 6 - A Fun Thing

...This is the last week of classes before the Christmas break. In it I'm asking my students to work their way through a drawing about which they can't know the completed image until they finish. It means they won't really know the importance of a certain mark or smudge until they finish and therefore can't ignore anything as they work their way through it!
Winter term, 2nd half 2022. Lesson 6. A Fun Thing! Using pen & colour pencils.
· You have an A4 sheet of paper folded into six equal sections. You’ll see an arrow on one side. It is from the arrow that you’ll begin.
· Unfold the first section without looking at any of the following sections. Fold the first section back so that you see only it.
· Working from left to right of your sketch-book page, copy that first section onto your page. However you decide to draw what you see, don’t leave anything that you notice – at this stage you have no idea how important (or not) the section you’re about to leave out might be!
· If left handed turn the folded page upside down with the arrow pointing right to left and begin on the right hand side of your page.
· When you’ve completed the first section, turn over to the next section and do that same. Work hard not to see any two sections together.
· When it comes to revealing the third section, it’s very hard to do so without seeing sections together so put it under the table as you turn to section three.
· If you see suitable places for colour, use colour pencils.
· In time you’ll see a cohesive drawing emerging. If you finish one drawing, I’ll give you another to follow.
Classes begin again in early March.