LESSON PLANS WINTER TERM 2023 (1st half) Lesson 4: continue with landscape or watercolour exercise.
In this session my students have the opportunity to finish their landscape paintings. Some have finished already and so I have a one-off watercolour challenge for them - to work tonally on an image of people/person in their context.
Winter Term 1st half 2023 – lesson 4: Options, continue with your landscape painting OR one-off watercolour exercise.
· If working on your landscape painting, remember to keep referring to your source material. Think about a variety of tonal values and the shapes which describe distance.
· If tackling the one-off watercolour challenge, choose (or be given!) an image.
· Mix a blue and a brown (ultramarine and raw umber or similar) on your palette.
· With your tonal mix, paint as large a shape as you can to include the people, their shadows, the dark and mid-toned elements of the background and allow all the areas to flow together.
· If in doubt, include more into this first layer rather than less.
· Before this layer dries, squeeze your brush and lift some light places from the area of paint.
· Once dry, paint in some darker shapes only onto the area painted by the first layer (not into the areas left un-painted).
Next lesson: (Last lesson before a two-week half term break). Options: If you don’t do the one-off watercolour challenge this week, you’ll do it next week. Or, using the same technique you’ll analyse a face in the same way. Look for faces in the newspapers or magazines (or online) this week.