Great work full of colour, tone and contrast...
...from Friday's group. Looking for hard edges and soft transitions, lovely pastel drawings.
Hard edges and soft transitions, using colour to describe tone.
Wonderful work from Thursday's group, not so many dots this week, more of the softer pastel work!
Beautiful soft pastel drawings from Wednesday's group...
...hard edges and soft transitions through the tones and colours.
A softer approach with pastels and fruit...
...thinking about hard edges and soft transitions. Lovely work this evening.
LESSON PLANS 2022 (2nd half) Lesson 4. Fruity still-life with soft pastels.
In this lesson I'm asking my student to use soft pastels but in a very different way from the pointillism we were using last week. I Want...
Lovely dashes and dots from Friday's group...
...looking at tone and form through pointillism - great work today.
More wonderful dottiness...
...from Thursday group - looking for colours and tone through pointillism. Lovely work today
Dashes, dots and more dots, wonderful work from Wednesday's group...
...collecting dots of colour and tone to create form.
Great dotty work from Tuesday's group...
...mixing colour and tone through pointillism to create solid form. Lovely work.
LESSON PLANS WINTER TERM 2022 (2nd half) Lesson 3. Pointillism and pastels!
In this lesson I'm asking my students to think about the mingling of colours with dots and dashes in a technique known as pointillism....