LESSON PLANS SUMMER TERM 2024 (1st half) Lesson 1: drawing the still-life.
My laptop is at the menders so I'm trying to give you all an idea of what we'll be doing and using my phone to do it... slightly...
Fabulous work from Friday's group...
... painting from their charcoal drawings, lovely variety of methods, lovely results.
Thursday group's lovely work today...
.... painting from their charcoal studies made last week.
Wednesday's work, painting from last week's drawings...
Lovely work today, some to be finished over the Easter hols.
We've had a brilliant workshop day today...
...experimenting with ways of looking at flowers. There was plenty of concentration and hard work, it really paid off with some lovely...
LESSON PLANS SPRING TERM 2024 (2nd half) Lesson 5: painting from the charcoal landscapes.
The results from the charcoal landscape project last week were really fabulous. This week I'll be asking my students to use the drawings...
Wonderful charcoal landscapes, it's been a fantastic project...
...with really super results. This is Friday's work.
More fabulous charcoal landscapes...
...from Thursday's group. It's been a great medium to negotiate a landscape image.
Stunning charcoal landscapes today...
...from Wednesday's group. Wonderful work!
LESSON PLANS SPRING TERM 2023 (2nd half) Lesson 4: Charcoal landscapes.
In this lesson I'm asking my students to make a charcoal study of a landscape (which can be made from a photograph or a landscape...